Friday, December 12, 2008

Rain, Clouds, Sandstorm - Rain at last

Hello my friends,

I'm living and working in Oman for 6 months now. Who could have imagined that?

And it is the first time that I see rain in Oman. It might seem as nothing special for the most of you. And it was even for me, coming from the European climate. But being here, rain is something extraordinary. In average it rains about 3-4 days in a year. When the dark clouds appeared in the sky, many people ran out on the street to feel the water on their skin and to thank god. And I have to admit, that it was something special for me, too.
After the rain came a sandstorm. Within 5 min, the sky darkened, a strong breeze came up and suddenly there was wind and sand all over the place. For 10 min, my whole office was at the windows and watching the phenomenon. It was interesting to watch, as the air became sandy and dusty and then it was good as quickly as it came. The onlt leftovers was sand all over the place and cars covered with a thin film. When I went home in the afternoon, the streets have become a dangerous place. Water spots everywhere that enforced hydro planning. But as a rain proofed European, I made my way home. Sometime I had to left the asphalt and pass a waterpot on the side.

Now, the rain is gone again, and insha allah the sun will stay out for the rest of the winter.

Hope you all enjoy the christmas time at home. My next post will be about my christmas time here. Unfortuately, my camera broke, so I won't be able to show you many pictures. But we'll see.
