Sunday, June 21, 2009

51 degrees - like ice in the sunshine

Hey you people out there,

Hope you all are alright and the effects of the financial crisis passed you from far away.

I guess most of you are spending there time in some countries where you experience this year's summer time. And i guess most of you think, wow finally summer. I can only partially share this feeling. I can say, I prefer sunshine much more than any rainy weather. And I was laughing at the Omanis who wished it would be winter all year. I have to admit, they have a good point.

Right now we are reaching the peak of summer with temperatures over 40 degrees daily and sometimes up to 50 degrees. My record was 51 degrees a couple of weeks back. It is hard to describe how it feels being in this temperature, but I can tell you, the air condition is your best friend these days :-)

Besides that, work has becoming normal. Many people went on annual leave, and me staying here over the summer and do the work that is left. The good thing, I can work with less supervision and more freedom :-) the bad thing, I can't stand hearing the term "financial crisis" as an excuse for everything anymore. No bonuses paid, no promotions, no increments, people are released, any "financial crisis" is a buzzword, that you can hardly argue against. Perfect, for managers, bad luck for employees. What can I say: thanks to everyone who produced this crisis.

On a private level, things are going fine, I enjoy being around with my friends and new perspective are emerging. I tell you more at the right time.

So far, so good. I wish you all a great summer, that you are spared with 50 degrees and that you can enjoy it with the ones you love.

Take care