Friday, July 10, 2009

45 degrees and 95% humidity - didn't know that this exists

Dear readers,

Summertime in Oman is really breaking records for me.
A few days back was one of the most horrible weather situation that I experienced in my life. Even my trip to the rainforest in Australia could not prepare me for this.

45°C at 95% humidity

To give you some examples what that means:
  • The very second you leave an air conditioned building during the day, your sun glasses are foggy
  • Within 20 seconds between the door of the building and your car, your skin is covered with drops of sweat
  • Playing football is like exercising in a sauna
  • At the end of the day, there is no difference between dry and wet
Luckily, these conditions only remained for 2 days and we have already reached the middle of the summer :-)

Take care

Sunday, June 21, 2009

51 degrees - like ice in the sunshine

Hey you people out there,

Hope you all are alright and the effects of the financial crisis passed you from far away.

I guess most of you are spending there time in some countries where you experience this year's summer time. And i guess most of you think, wow finally summer. I can only partially share this feeling. I can say, I prefer sunshine much more than any rainy weather. And I was laughing at the Omanis who wished it would be winter all year. I have to admit, they have a good point.

Right now we are reaching the peak of summer with temperatures over 40 degrees daily and sometimes up to 50 degrees. My record was 51 degrees a couple of weeks back. It is hard to describe how it feels being in this temperature, but I can tell you, the air condition is your best friend these days :-)

Besides that, work has becoming normal. Many people went on annual leave, and me staying here over the summer and do the work that is left. The good thing, I can work with less supervision and more freedom :-) the bad thing, I can't stand hearing the term "financial crisis" as an excuse for everything anymore. No bonuses paid, no promotions, no increments, people are released, any "financial crisis" is a buzzword, that you can hardly argue against. Perfect, for managers, bad luck for employees. What can I say: thanks to everyone who produced this crisis.

On a private level, things are going fine, I enjoy being around with my friends and new perspective are emerging. I tell you more at the right time.

So far, so good. I wish you all a great summer, that you are spared with 50 degrees and that you can enjoy it with the ones you love.

Take care

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Re-integration into Oman

Dear friends,

Hope your are doing well.

It is now four month ago, that I came back to Oman. Feels like time was flying since then. I was quite busy at work and had some trouble finding back into my life here.
By now, things are becoming normal again. I caught up with my projects, got in control of my time again and connected again to my social life.

The worst time was going to my office in the first week. Everyone was in an extremely bad mood, some colleagues did not even say hello and sent me tasks per email instead, people were randomly blamed for mistakes that lay in the responsibility of others and an extremely workload, because no one followed up on my projects while I was away. I asked myself at that moment, why am I here? At the moment, may job gives me a secured income, which is the main reason for me to stay. Additionally, due to the variety of projects that I am involved in, I have a good exposure and can build a strong network with our clients. In June, I'll finish one year here in Oman. Let's see how the situation develops in the remaining 12 months.
Besides my frustration with work, I found our house in an extreme mess and one felt responsible for cleaning it up, my housemates put a guy iin my room, without asking and that increase my 'inconvinience' factor even more.

On a social level it was much better. It was great to see my friends again, Hassan, Jehad, Hasna, Katy, Jocelle and Khalid. Still it was weird that the freedom that I got used to have in Germany, was suddenly restricted: No place to go out at night, people have to be home at a certain point of time and the opportunities for entertainment are limited. But sitting at the beach or shisha cafe while watching football or playing football helped me to adjust again into the Oman life.

So, excited times behind and even more exciting times ahead. Thank's a lot to Hasna for being sunshine for me and brightening up my day not only during the last four weeks.

So far so good, I'm fully re-integrated now and looking for new endeavours that lay ahead.

Maa salma


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Holidays in Germany

Hey Ho, my name is Hay-Jo :-)

just had some fun:-) alright. Today I'll write you about my holidays in Germany. Having been out of the country for over 9 months i was really keen on going back. So I took the chance and went home from 26th of March - 8th of April.

It felt a bit weired but also nice leaving so many friends here in Oman who wished me all the best, a good time and who were looking forward to receive me back. And at the same time coming home and having so many people waiting to see me back, family, friends, tax department, dentist, Koelsch, Altstadt and shopping :-)

And even the weather was on my side. Leaving the airplane in duesseldorf at moderate 12 degrees and rain it changed quickly to 20 degrees and sunshine :-) So it didn't take me much time to feel home again: Special thanks to my friends Aich, Ecke, Mischi, Lena, Sese, Inga, Steff, Jens, Sascha, Silke, Martin, Michaela, and the list goes even on and on. Was great to sit, chat, laugh, drink and just enjoying time.

I could also write a full chapter abour my family, mom and dad, chris, monika, salma, christian, and my wonderful nieces and nephews. You'll find some pictures in my album.

My heart cried a bit leaving them alone after these two weeks - but uncle Hajo had to go back.

Generally, being in Germany again was great. the best things are:

  • spending time outside and walking

  • freedom to do what, where, when and with who you want

  • variety of food, especially Broetchen und Mett :-D

  • being out until late

  • seeing nature, Germany is soooooooo greeen and beautiful

  • uniqueness of people, everyone is different in his personality and how he/she expresses it

  • architecture and culture

  • medical system

  • transportation

  • ice cream and pizza :-)

I could go on for a while, but that was the greatest things about Germany for me.

But at the same time, a part of my life is now in Oman, with all the amazing people I know. Right now i feel a little bit in between, because it leaving either country hurts a bit, although I do not want to settle down in Oman.

Let's see where life takes me :-) But definitely, you should all come to Germany once, during spring or summer - beautiful.

See you there or in Oman


The last four months

Dear Blog Readers,

several months past since you red my last entry on this blog. I felt that nothing much extraordinary happened during this time which is worthy talking about. Also I was quite busy with work, Arabic classes, football and so on that i didn't find the proper inspiration and time to share some stories with you. But I heard the call and your wishes for new stories about Oman and I am more than happy to satisfy your needs :-)

Developments from the last four months

in brief, the following things happened the last four months in my life:

  • I extended my contract with PwC Oman until June 2010 (having a secured job is a valuable asset these days:-)

  • I bought a car - Toyota Yaris in silver - My first car ever

  • I"m still living in the same villa but looking for a new place to stay with some friends from summer on

  • I found sunshine in my heart ;-)

  • My brother came for a one week visit at the beginning of February (see pictures in my web album)

  • I went for holidays home to Germany for a couple of weeks in March/April

That's all i can think of for now.

Tomorrow I will post some impressions from my stay in Germany and from my "Re-integration to Oman".

Take care wherever you might be right now.
