Wednesday, June 18, 2008

my first days at PwC

Hi my friends,

It's Wednesday evening and that means....... Weekend :-)
Because of the Islamic week the weekend here is Thursday and Friday. Time to give a short recap of what happend the lastg days.

On Tuesday i had my first day here which was like any other first day I guess, getting to know people, get information about the bigger picture, read information, feeling lost sometime and get use to the enviroment. My colleagues are really nice. They absoluty reflect the hospitality and warm harts of the Omanis. Professionally I am assigend to a project about a valuation of a company, which is about to be sold. But as we don't have all the becessary data yet, it will take some time until we can really work on it. Business goes a little bit slower here :-)
Today I attended a meeting with a client which we provide with a feasibiilty study about a huge project that he wants to realise. I can truly say, you can make money everywhere right now, if you want to.

Today, I had luch arounf the corner: chicken with rice, some souces and salad. Sounds nice and it tasts like that. The only thing is that you eat with your right hand here. Of course you can get a fork and a nife, but its not that much fun :-)

No, I'm going to leave as we are heading off for Dubai today to spend some days there.
I wish all of you a great week and on Saturday you can see some pictures from me from dubai.



1 comment:

Oksana said...

Marhaba, man! How are you doing?!
I'm so excited to see your blog and read about your trip in Oman! Welcome to MENA :) I really hope you enjoy it! I keep checking your blog for daily updates! :)

Lana is sitting next to me and we are inviting you to visit us in Jordan, Amman! It's very different from Oman, and I'm sure as exciting :)

Come over and you'll have place to stay and us to take care of you :)))

Enjoy your stay in Muscat,