Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A day at the beach

Hello my friends,

as I have some free time at work right now, I use this chance to drop some line for you. Last weekend we went to one of the great beaches here. Unfortunetly, I don't have all the pictures to show you yet, but as soon as I receive them, you'll find them uploaded on my webalbum.

So, back to the beach. We went a few kilometers out of the city Muscat to a small village at the sea coast. There we embarked a small motor boat and cruised for a while through the sea. We, that were all the interns which are with AIESEC here in Oman (I'm gonna introduce them to you in my next post), some members of the national committee and some friends from Oman. Being on the boat and getting cooled by the wind was a real relief, because we had almost 45 degrees on that day. You can imagine how warm the water is here. I guess that the average water temperature in the Gulf of Oman is between 28 and 30 degrees. So, during the lunch and the afternoon the water is nice but it doesn't really cools you down. Luckily we had a pavillion with us so we could spent some time in the shadow.

Beside enjoying the time at the beach we had the chance to snorkel around the various cliffs around that place. There is a beautiful sea flora, many fishes, crabs crawling around and damn pointy rocks. At some spots the drift was so strong that it pushed me against some of the rocks which were covered with sharb corals and shells. It took some scratches and the salt water burned in the wound. But it was nothing serious.

Later that day we had a good traditional Omani lunch, enjoyed the drinks from the cool box and played some footbal (the American version and the rest of the worlds' version). Around sunset, which is usually around 5:30 pm, we went back on the boat and headed home. There I found out that I had a medium snburn on my back. I should have considered that when you snorkel, your back is exposed to the sun all the time :-) Lesson learned.

Alright, have a great day and my next post will be about the people that I'm sharing my time with here in Oman.


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